Thursday, March 28, 2013

Washington DC- Cherry Blossom Watch (2) 2013

The cherry blossom festival is officially underway, but I don't think the cherry blossom's know that yet.  I did another pass of the tidal basin today to check the blossom's progress.  The Tidal Basin area is already full of people and tour buses.  Around East Potomac Park there were a only handful of trees with small white flowers.  The majority of the buds are still closed and fairly tight.  The buds did show more pink color then last week.  I imagine this next week will have quite a bit of progress.  Below are a few pictures from the Tidal Basin area.

For photographers and enthusiasts looking to photograph the cherry blossoms this week, I am still recommending the National Arboretum.  The flowers are already blooming.  I think we passed one other car the whole time in the park.  If you stop by the Administration building at the National Arboretum they have a pamphlet locating the cherry blossoms in the park.... so easy and convenient.  Below is one of the trees from the Arboretum.

I will have another update of the Tidal Basin next week.  

Happy Photographing!

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