Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

I am thankful for many things, family and friends being at the top of the list...but followed closely by studio lighting equipment.

I have really been enjoying taking Holiday photos!

The following photographs are taken using a small white seemless paper backdrop and two studio strobes with white shoot through umbrellas attached.  The lights were set to equal intensities, at 45 degrees left and right, and an equal distance from the subject.  This provided nice even lighting with minimal contrast.  This setup works well for child portraits.  A shutter speed of 125, an aperature of 11, and an iso of 100 was utilized.       

 Here are a couple favorites from the photoshoot.


1. Minimal contrast lighting works well for child portraits.
2. For real little ones, bare feet work well for the photograph.
3. To get the infant's attention, have someone stand directly behind you with a toy that makes noise.
Happy Photographing!

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